
Stay there.


On the surface of my water,

On the surface of my soul.

Stay there

Like everyone does.

Judge my depth,

By shining your torch underneath.

Judge my endless pit,

And call it hopeless.

Stay there

At the surface.


I don’t want you to know

About the beautiful fishes

Inside the deep waters,

Or about the

Insanely mesmerizing Jellyfishes

Which indeed,

Are poisonous to

Anybody below the surface.

Stay there

Because even if all the good inside me does no harm

I’m scared of what the Jellyfishes might do

If you ever reach beneath.

Just, stay up there.

Don’t look inside, don’t try to swim down.

Trust me when I say,

Surface is where you’re protected

From everything about me.

It’s where you see me,

Being normal.

Okay I know I don’t have a flow for poetry, at least not as much as I thought I did, but it did make sense to you, right?

This, is for the people who have their own super secret life that nobody knows about.

Pretty much everybody’s got their own super secret life, right? A life where only you can know what you feel, experience, a life where you and only you know how it really felt, even if you share it with someone else. Nobody here feels the exact same things you do.

I’m not saying that you’re alone, I’m saying that you’re unique. I’m saying that everybody lives through all the moments in their lives, experience the things, but in different ways, and different reasons.

Before you had a super secret life, you didn’t mind the swim everyone took of you, because you didn’t have anything that you’d be afraid of. But as you grew up, as the water got deeper and deeper, the surface felt like the most simple, easiest version of yourself.

You created an illusion for people, let them think that they know every depth of you, without them knowing that you just kept them on the surface, not even an inch below it. Everyone were satisfied that way, the people thought you nothing more and your secret life, stayed hidden.

Normal. You like when they think you’re normal. Tell me, what is normal? Everybody who you don’t know anything about seem normal to you… Maybe because of the little ‘you don’t know them’ part. That random girl walking on the street seems normal to you because she looks normal and you don’t know anything else about her. Or that boy playing pranks with his friends seem normal to you because he looks happy and…normal. Unless, if you knew that the girl walking there lives with her foster parents and dreams about a happy alternative life everyday, or if you’d notice the boy’s little card saying he’s from a school for the gifted.

Still pretty normal, don’t you think?

Normal is what everyone who isn’t, hopes for.

That’s boring.

Pretending to be normal when you’re extraordinary?

Yep, boring.

You’re stronger than that, aren’t you?

Embrace your extra-ordinary-ness and take the road where you can truly be yourself, stop pretending.

For starters, it’s okay to let them float on the surface. If they’re happy there, let them be.

But for others, who want to swim in deeper and wider, don’t disappoint them. Don’t stop them from knowing you.

Not many take an effort to swim down.

So if you find somebody

Who wants to swim in the ocean of your soul

And you trust them to not cause a whirlpool,

Then let them swim.

Let them know everything about the beautiful fishes and the other things.

If they go deep inside and cause the discomforts, disturb the serenity of the ocean, cause the whirlpool, then

…I don’t know.

I don’t know what to do with those who gain your trust and manipulate you into letting yourself show up to them, just so they can crush all your hopes of ever trusting someone else.

I don’t know what to do to them, scream at them? Punish them? Forgive them?

Whatever I do, whatever you do, in the end, you’ll blame yourself for this. You’ll regret that you let them swim in real instead of shoving up the illusion in them that there’s nothing more of you.

Later though,

You’ll come out stronger.

Stronger, but more deeper.

And then, you’ll know what to do.


Kthnxbye 🙂

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